I keep having dreams of cheap mobile horror games. They aren’t nightmares and sometimes they’re just horror games I’ve never heard of because they don’t exist. Once I had a dream of one where I was on this super dark train with monsters in it. I knew I was playing a game. Then another time recently I had a dream where I was playing some cheap hello neighbor rip off called “Anna kidnap story” that isn’t a real game, anyways the first level starts out in some man’s house. The walls are kind of a dark orange but not enough to where it’s brown, and even with the dark walls it still seemed like a really bright color. Every time I almost found a way out the kidnapper npc would find me and take me back to level 1. At some point I found a girl with me and I had to save her while I was escaping. We ended up finding a subway train and we both went on it, but then the man broke through the window and took us back. I ended up waking up weirded out.
Dreams about playing mobile horror games can be symbolic of your subconscious trying to work through feelings of fear and anxiety. The fact that these games are cheap and not well-known could indicate that you are dealing with certain issues or challenges that you perceive as mundane or trivial, but they still have an impact on you.
The specific details of the dream, such as being on a dark train with monsters or playing a game called "Anna Kidnap Story," suggest feelings of being trapped or pursued in some aspect of your waking life. The dark colors and bright tones could represent internal conflicts or contrasting emotions that you are experiencing.
The repetitive nature of trying to escape the kidnapper NPC and always being taken back to the first level may symbolize a sense of frustration or feeling stuck in a situation where progress seems difficult or impossible. The presence of the girl you need to save could represent a part of yourself that you feel the need to protect or rescue in challenging circumstances.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious mind processing feelings of fear, helplessness, and the need for escape or avoidance in difficult situations. It could be a reminder to address these emotions and challenges in your waking life in order to find resolution and move forward.